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SillyRu's avatar
Stole this from PRllNCE because I'm le bored, and there is no one to talk to, so I'll just entertain myself with this long list of questions!

1. Name: Ruhani
2. Nickname(s): Ruhani, Ru, Ruru, Hani, Papa, Bebis, Bög, Bajs, Sis, etc.
3. Birthday: July 22nd, 1994.
4. That makes you: 17.
5. Where were you born: Huddinge Sjukhus. C:
6. Location right now: Sweden, Stockholm, Botkyrka, Norsborg.
7. Shoe size: (EU): 40/41, yep I have some big feet. ):
8. How many piercings?: Five, all on my ears.
9. Tattoos?: None. ;_;
10. When you wake up you: Snooze 30 minutes more.
11. When you're about to sleep you're: Stare up the ceiling, just thinking about everything.
12. Zodiac sign: Cancer.
13. Chinese sign: Dog.
14. Righty or Lefty: Righty.
15. Innie or Outie: Innie.
16. School: Borgskolan from when I was 6-15, then last year I went to Sjödalsgymnasiet and I currently go to Tumba Gymnasium now. (:

Section Two: Looks

17. Nationality: Swedish, but Bengali if you're talking about ethnicity.
18. Hair colour: Black/superdarkbrown.
20. Weight: HAHAHAHAAHAHHAAHAHAH, way2much.
21. Height: 164 cm. ;___;
22. Braces?: No, but I might get them.
23. Glasses?: Yep, but I need a new pair, asap.

Section Three: Private Life

24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?: /forever alone/
25. If so, who?: -
26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?: Nope.
27. Who has a crush on you?: No one.
28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: Never.
29. Who was your first kiss: A child hood friend. But I don't know if it counts as a real kiss, we were both pretty young.
30. Who was your last kiss: No one since my first kiss, so my first was my last. :c
31. Are you a virgin?: Yep.
32. Ever had a threesome before?: lolno.
33. This question magically doesn't exist, wtf.
34. Have you ever been in love?: Yeah.
35. Broken any hearts?: I hope not.
36. Got your heart broken?: Yep.
37. Ever liked a friend?: I like ALL my friends!
38. What happened?: EVERYTHING. lolidk, use your imagination.

Section Four: Past Relationships

39. How many relationships have you been in?: 2
40. How many were serious enough to count: I'd say both of them.
41. Who were those serious ones: Edsel & Marnix.
42. Another goddamn deleted question, wtf is this shit.
43. What made them different: They meant/mean a lot to me I guess.
44. What happened: Long story.
45. Best boy/girlfriend: OISHI.
46. Worst boy/girlfriend: Edsel, not that he was a bad boyfriend, but because he just left, which makes him the worst I guess.
47. Ever been kissed: I don't think so. ):
48. Who do you want back: My dad.
49. Who do you regret: What is grammar.
50. Why?: Because grammar.

Section Five: Favourites

51. Song: The Fray - How To Save a Life
52. Movie: The Lion King.
53. Food: Chotpoti, it's delicious and I can't really explain wtf it is, there's no name for it in English. :C
54. Drink: Tea, Fanta Exotic Thrill, apple cider, water.
56. Television show: DOCTOR WHO +____+!!1
57. Holiday: SUMMER BREAAAK! C:
58. Book: Too hard2pick just one.
59. Ice cream: Meeelon, or chocolate~!
60. Sweets: CHOCOLATE AND SOUR SHITTTT. <What Mio sad, exluding the shit-part>
62. Type of music: Anything that sounds good.
63. Artist: I really like Lily Allen<3____<3
64. Word: Bajs.
65. Time of day: Le afternoon~
66. Dressing: Fuck dressing, I like to sit around and chill in my PJ's.
67. Alcoholic drink: None.
68. Colour(s): Green.
69. Piece of clothing: I don't even know.
70. Character: The Doctor.
71. Smell: Lemon.
72. Shampoo: Anything available.
73. Soap: Dove.
74. Smiley: Anything obnoxious, I'll use it all. Because I can.
75. Board game: MONOPOLY.
76. Sport: HAAAAH, none. I suck at all of them. I used to play Basketball though.
77. Number: Seven.
78. Quote: "My life might not be your cup of tea, but to me, it's a taste I love. Not too sweet but neither too bitter. Perfectly enjoyable." Yes, I did just quote myself, just because.
79. Animal: Owls.
80. Actor: David Tennant.
82. Vegetable: I love broccoli.
83. Fruit: Strawberries, watermelon, mango.
84. Place to be: Amusement parks with my friends.
85. Thing in your room: Computer.
86. Gum: Extra.
87. Shape: Circle.
88. Country: Sweden or Scotland/the UK.
89. Mall: No interest in malls.
90. Car: I don't care about cars.
91. Boy's name: Ryan, Rory, Matthew, Ian.
92. Girl's name: Lily, Annie, Amy, Melody.
93. Family member: ERR'ONE.
94. Restaurant: I don't really go to restaurants.
95. Movie place: Heron City's SF Bio.
96. Person to go to the movies with: Friends who enjoy movies as much as me.
97. Noise: The Grunt's "BLARGH"'s
98. Brand of shoe: I don't give a shit fuck about brands.
99. Brand of clothing: As I stated above.
100. Body part of a chicken: Chicken legs or wings.
101. Swear word: "VAFAAAN" (=wtf)
102. Month: December.
103. Possession: PLushies.
105. Season: Autumn.
106. Radio station: I never listen to the radio.
107. Magazine: I don't read magazines.
108. Favourite grade: First year in Tumba Gymnasium, aka the current grade.
109. Least favourite grade: 4th - 7th
110. Teacher: Pernilla Lundenmark, my teacher in English and Swedish during 7th-9th grade.
111. Least favourite teacher: The new music teacher we got in 9th grade.
112. Subject: English and Art.
113. Subject to talk about: Anything interesting and debate-able. Having debates are fun.

Section Six: Family

114. Who's your mum?: My mother.
115. Who's your dad?: My dad, but he is no longer with us.
116. Any step-parents?: Nope.
117. Any brothers?: Rubayet, aka Ruhu/Roho.
118. Any Sisters?: Nope.
120. Coolest: My dad was.
121. Loudest: My mom.
122. Best relative: My aunt Ruby, my cousin Jakir and his family.
123. Worse relative: My cousin Sauda and her family, mostly her mother.
124. Do you get along with your parents?: Sometimes.
125. With your siblings?: We actually get along more now than we used to before.
126. Does anyone understand you?: No not really, at least not in my family circle.
127. Do you have any pets?: Nope.
128. If so, what kind and name?: -
129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: I want a cat.
130. Can I be a part of your family?: No, you're just a question on the internet.

Section Seven: School

131. Are you still in school?: Yep.
132. Did you drop out?: No, but I did change my major+school from last year.
133. Your current GPA: The fuck is GPA?
134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: We get free meals in school, fuck yeah Sweden. C:
135. ABC's?: I know the alphabet, and then we have the extra Å, Ä, and Ö.
136. Favorite class: I already answered this question before, god damn it quiz, get your shit together! >:C
137. Play any sports at school?: P.E. was for everyone, so we were forced2play.
138. Are you popular?: I was one of the outcasts.
139. Favourite memory: When I was picked for the EU-trip, omfg I was so happy.
140. Most humiliating moment: All the times I was bullied and couldn't do anything about it.
141. Most funniest moment: Oh, there were many.
142. Most scared moment: Telling my mom I was going to change my major from science to arts.

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear

145. Chicken: Daniel Bojic.
146. Dog: X-zibit meme.
147. Christina Aguilera: Candy Man.
148. Ricky Martin: Viva la vida loca
149. 50 cent: It's your birthday.
150. Poop: BAJS.
151. Beach: Sand castles.
152. Desert: Sahara.
153. Water: Kaernk.
154. Osama: Stupid.
155. Love: Feelings.
156. Your little brother: who?
157. Butt: Röv.
158. Clowns: Denise.
159. Wonder: woman.
16o. Brown: Chocolate.
161. Banana: Gross.
162. Sex: OKface.jpg
163. Parents: Strict.
164. Homosexuals: Gay.
165. God: Allah.

Section Nine: Do you believe in

166. God: Not sure.
167. Heaven: I want to.
168. Devil: lolno.
169. Hell: Nope.
170: Boogie man: roflno.
171. Closet Monsters: Nope.
172. Fortune tellings: No.
173. Magic: No.
174. Love at first sight: Attraction? Yes. Love? No.
175. Ghosts: Nope.
176. Voo-doo dolls: No.
177. Reincarnation: No.
178. Yourself: I have my doubts sometimes, but yes.

Section Ten: Do you

179. Smoke: No.
180. Do drugs: No.
181. Drink alcohol: No.
182. Cuss: Not often, but occasionally, yes.
183. Sing in the shower: Sometimes.
184. Like school: Yes, I do now at least.
185. Want to get married: Someday.
186. Type with all of your fingers: I guess.
187. Think you're attractive: roflno.
188. Drink and drive: No.
189. Snore: Nope.
190. Sleep walk: Nope.
191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: They're pretty, but I don't really spend too much time to watch them every day.

Section Eleven: Have you ever

192. Flashed someone: Nope.
193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: Nope.
194. Told that person how you felt: Yep.
195. Been arrested: Nope.
196. Gone to jail or juve: Nope.
197. Skateboarded: No, I suck too much.
198. Skinny dipped: Nope.
199. Rock climbed: Nope. Only on those wall thingies, but I was2scared2go2high up.
200. Killed someone: Nope.
201. Watched porn: Yep, didn't find it interesting though.
202. Gone on a road trip: Not really.
203. Went out of the country: Yep.
204. Talked back to an adult: Oh yes.
205. Broken a law: I guess, but nothing too serious.
206. Got pulled over: Nope.
208: Cried to get out of trouble: At some point, probably.
209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yes.
210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: lolno.
211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: lolno.
212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: Nope.
213. Moon someone: Nope.
214. Shop-lifted: Nope.
215. Worked at McDonald's: Nope.
216. Eaten a dog: No thank you.
217. Give money to a homeless person: Many times, usually when I'm in Bangladesh.
218. Glued your hand to yourself: lolno.
219. Kissed someone of the same sex: Yes.
220. Had a one night stand: Nope.
221. Smoked: Nope.
222. Done drugs: Nope.
223. Lose a friend because of your ex: What, no.
224. Slap someone for being stupid: Yep.
225. Had cyber sex: Nope.
226. Wish you were the opposite sex: Sometimes.
227. Caught someone doing something: Be more specific, wtf is 'something' supposed2mean?
228. Played a game that removes clothing: Nope.
229. Cried during a movie: Yep.
230. Cried over someone: Yep.
231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Nah.
232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: Nope.
233. Ran away from home: Nope.
234. Cheated on a test: Nope.

Section Twelve: Would you

235. Bungee jump: Yes.
236. Sky dive: Maybe.
237. Swim with dolphins: No.
238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: I usually don't like my friend's bf's/gf's, so no thank you.
239. Try to be the opposite sex: I could try, but I'd fail.
240. Lie to the police: Depends on what's on stake.
241. Run from the police: No, I'm2slow.
242. Lie to your parents: I sometimes do. But it's nothing too horrible. Just some white lies.
243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: NEVER.
244. Be an exotic dancer: roflno.
245. Why is this question gone? wtf.

Section Thirteen: Are you

246. Shy: Yes.
247. Loud: I can be.
248. Nice: People say I am, so I guess I am.
249: Outgoing: Depends on my mood and the situation.
250: Quiet: Sometimes I am silent because I just don't feel like talking2anyone.
251. Mean: I try not to be.
252. Emotional: Yep.
253. Sensitive: Yup.
254. Gay: As in happy? Then yeah.
255. Strong: When I really need to be.
256. Weak: Yes.
257. Caring: Yes.
258. Dangerous: lolno.
259. Crazy: I am told I am, so yes?
260. Spontaneous: Not too often.
261. Funny: LOLNO, but people still laugh at my jokes, so I guess a little? <:
262. Sweet: I guess.
263. Sharing: I try to share what I got.
264. Responsible: Yes.
265. Trustworthy: Yes.
266. Open-minded: As much as I can be.
267. Creative: Rarely.
268. Cute: Nope.
269. Slick: No.
270. Smart: I got my intelligence.
271. Dumb: At some subjects, yes.
273. Ghetto: roflno.
274. Classy: Not really, no.
275. Photogenic: NOPE.
276. Dependable: Yes.
277. Greedy: Not much, but sometimes when I really want something, I crave it.
278. Ugly: Yes.
279. Messy: Yes.
280. Neat: Yes.
281. Perverted: I only make perverted jokes.
282. Silly: I think my dA name gave that one away.
283. A B****: Yes I'm a Bstarstarstarstar. But I'm not a bitch.
284. A Good Listener: Yes.
285. A Fighter: I try to fight for what I think is right. No physical violence though.
286. A Party Animal: roflno.
287. A Game Freak: Oddly, no.
288. A Computer Freak: I'd call addiction than being a computer freak.

Section Fourteen: Future

289. Dream job: Illustrator/animator/pshycologist/ (secretdreamjob: actress)
290. Dream house: A house with a library.
291. Husband/Wife: Someone I love.
292. Kids: I'd like to have kids, someday.
293. Names: We'll see.
294. Pets: A cat please.
295. Car: I want a green badass jeep. Just because.
296. Age you would want to get married: Before turning 30 at least. ;u;
297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: Oishi as my bride's maid, I'd be honoured.
298. Honeymoon: Somewhere unforgettable.

Section Fifteen: Your friends

299. Best friend: Oishi, Marnix, Jannat, Mio, Emmi, Selma, Sajie, Gideon & Mathias.
300. Known the longest: Jannat.
301. Craziest: Probably Oishi or Gideon.
302. Loudest: Denise or Selma.
303. Shyest: Sajie.
304. Best hair: Oishi, Sajie or Jannat. C:
305. Best eyes: Camilla. <3____<3
306. Best body: I haven't really checked them out like that.
307. Most Athletic: Jannat.
308. Hot-Tempered: Sajie.
309. Most impatient: Oishi. But she get's what she wants/needs in the end, so it works out. C:
310. Shortest: I don't even know, Nelly I think. D:
311. Tallest: Gid fucking eon. /JELLY/
312. Skinniest: Jannat.
313. Best singer: We're all a bunch of tonedeaf people.
315. Can always make you laugh: ALL OF THEM.
316. Wish you talked to more: Mathias, Gideon and Selma. ;_;
317. Wish you saw more: Everyone from le interwebz~
318. Who drives you insane after a while: Mio, mostly because he's so awesome and when I'm in his presence it feels like I don't know wtf I should do, so I just panic every time I meet him. It's like.. IDK Q___Q he's too awesome, idek how he's my friend. D8
319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: I don't know, but I could see myself living with Oishi or even Marnix.
320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': Nah.
321. Whose always been there when you need them: Oishi, Jannat & Selma.
322. Who is like your family: They all are, if I could, I would adopt them all. +___+
323. How many friends do you have?: Not many, but I'm happy with the few I've got.
324. How many are really close?: The ones I named on 299.

Section Sixteen: The last

325. Thing you ate: Ice cream.
326. Thing you drank: Hot chocolate.
327. Thing you wore: Green PJ's.
328. Thing you did: Sketches for my comic assignment.
329. Place you went: Out.
330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: Three extra holes to my ears, but that was more than a year ago.
331. Person you saw: My brother.
332. Person you hugged: Jannat.
333. Person you kissed: No one after my first kiss, which happened when I was five or something.
334. Wtf another question deleted, apparently someone didn't want to answer this.
335. Person you talked to online: Marnix.
336. Person you talked to on the phone: Mom.
337. Song you heard: Alex Day - Forever Yours
338. Show you saw: The Office.
339. Time you fought with your parents: I don't even know anymore.
340. Time you fought with a friend: Last weekend.

Section Seventeen: Now

343. What are you eating: Nothing.
344. What are you drinking: Nothing.
345. What are you thinking: Nothing.
346. What are you wearing: The same as on 327.
347. What are you doing: Answering these questions.
349. Hair: Messy.
350. Mood: Bored.
351. Listening to: The same as 337.
352. Talking to anyone: Marnix.
353. Watching anything: PewDiePie's old LP's, just because.

Section Eighteen: Yes or No

354. Are you a vegetarian: No.
355. Are you a carnivore: No.
356. Are you heterosexual: Yes.
357. Do you like penguins: Yes.
358. Do you write poetry: No.
359. Do you see stupid people: Yes.
360. You + Me: No.
361. Do you like the Osbournes: IDC.
362. Can you see flying pigs: No.
363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: Yes.
364. Are you from Afghanistan: No.
365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: No.
366. Are you a zombie: No.
367. Am I annoying you: Yes & No.
368. Do you bite your nails: No.
369. Can you cross your eyes: Yes.
370. Do you make your bed in the morning: No.
371. Have you touched someone's private part: No.

Section Nineteen: This or That

372. Winter or Summer: Summer.
373. Spring or Autumn: Autumn.
374. Shakira or Britney: Britney.
375. MTV or VH1: Old MTV.
376. Black or White: Both.
377. Yellow or Pink: Pillow.
378. Football or Basketball: Basketball.
379. Mobile Phone or Pager: Mobile phone.
380. Pen or Pencil: Pencil.
381. Cold or Hot: Cold.
382. Tattoos or Piercings: Tattoos.
383. Inside or Outside: Inside.
384. Weed or Alcohol: None.
385. Coke or Pepsi: FANTA.
386. Tape or Glue: Tape.
387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: McDonald's.

Section Twenty: Opinions

388. What do you think about classical music: Depends on the song.
389. About boy bands: Nostalgic, but they feel kind if lame-ish.
390. About suicide: It's a problem that needs solving instead of ignorance.
391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: Stop breathing my air.
392. About teen pregnancy: Keep the baby only if you are able to actually care for it, or start using protection.
393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Somewhere.
394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Oishi, forever. And hopefully my other friendships too. I just feel like the most safe friendship I've had so far, has been with Oishi, but then again, things can go wrong. Hopefully that won't occur.
395. About gay men: People, just like me and anyone else.

Section Twenty-One:

396. Do you have a website: ruhani.tumblr.com/
397. Current weather right now: The snow is melting already. ;____;
398. Current time: 4.40PM
399. Any shout outs: Sup, personwhoisreadingthis. c:
400. Last thoughts: Guhhh.
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